OBO有機沙棘果 + 燕麥肽生髮護髮素400ml



OBO-02 OBO 有機沙棘果 + 燕麥肽生髮護髮素400ml 🟢 厭倦了等待頭髮長出來?這款有機沙棘果 + 燕麥肽生髮護髮素是頭髮最需要的秘密武器。以能夠直接深層穿透髮絲和頭皮的生物脂質複合物,結合強效的三重沙棘果混合物和燕麥肽,為您的頭髮提供令人難以置信的呵護,促進後續生長,深層滋養頭髮並恢復彈性。多虧了這種活性配方,令您的頭髮看起來和感覺都會是最好的! 🟢 主要成分: ** 強效三重沙棘果混合物 • 植物性沙棘果油 - 成分獨特, 能深層滲透頭髮角質層內部,修復和再生頭髮的彈性和光澤。 • 植物性沙棘果提取物 - 營養和礦物質組成的特殊成分,可滲透毛囊,有效滋養、調理和刺激頭髮生長。 • 有機沙棘果純露 - 質身輕盈, 將成分從髮根到髮尾平衡分配,給予滋潤和保濕。 ** 燕麥肽 - 確保深入滲透和連接頭髮纖維,恢復其結構完整性。 🟢 使用方法 - 取少量塗抹在乾淨、潮濕的頭髮上,靜置 3-4 分鐘。用溫水沖洗。 🟢 關於 Oblepikha O 產品 ** OBLEPIKHA O產品特色 - OBO運用生物脂質複合物技術,將三種不同型態的沙棘果成分與活性成分(如膠原蛋白、角蛋白、燕麥肽和氨基複合物、水楊酸)完美結合。這種創新技術和專業配方的協同效應,融合各種髮質的需求,促成一系列可以為頭髮提供營養物質,支持頭髮健康和強度,兼具快速發泡、快速分佈、快速吸收和快速見效等特性的護髮、洗髮產品,以實現完美髮質的目標。 ** 生物脂質複合物 (Biolipid Complex) 的作用 - 生物脂質是一類植物性脂質,可以以磷脂質的形式組成微小的囊泡。這些囊泡能有效包裹和傳遞沙棘果和活性成分,深入穿透髮絲的外層及頭皮,提供更直接的滋養和修復,增強成分的利用度和效果。 ** 沙棘果對頭髮的好處 - 由於沙棘果可以在低至 -50°C 的極端寒冷溫度下生存, 因此它的適應原(天然功效)特別強大。沙棘果營養成分極高, 除了富含維生素C和氨基酸(1顆沙棘漿果的維生素C含量相當於5個鮮橙,並且是1個檸檬的10倍), 還含有 10 種維生素、24 種微量元素和 18 種氨基酸,包括歐米茄 3、6、7 和 9,以及重要的維生素 A、B、C 和 E.,維生素7的含量更是世界植物之冠。這些營養特性賦予了沙棘果卓越的功效,包括滋潤保濕、修復受損髮質、促進頭髮生長、增強髮絲強度和改善頭皮健康的抗炎特性。 ** 植物來源 - 為了讓植物提取物帶來最大的益處,我們在成熟高峰期採集它們。因此,植物的所有有用特性都處於最高狀態。所有植物均從經過驗證的有機農場收集,包括我們位於愛沙尼亞薩雷馬島的農場。 ** 有機和安全配方 - 所有 Oblepikha O 產品均含有天然和經過認證的有機提取物和油。不含對羥基苯甲酸酯、SLS/SLES 和礦物油。 ** 可持續性和道德責任 - Oblepikha O 通過由可回收材料製成的環保包裝來承擔社會責任,我們不進行動物試驗。 🇪🇪 生產地 : 歐洲, 愛沙尼亞 🌿 自設歐洲有機認證農場 🚚 自設歐洲生產製造廠房 ❗️ 使用前請参閱包裝上的成分和說


OBO – 02 

OBO Grow Conditioner [+Oat peptides] 400ml 


🟢 Tired of waiting for your hair to grow? Grow Conditioner is the secret weapon your hair needs. It is here to give your hair an incredible hair protection for subsequent growth, nourish it deeply and restore elasticity. Thanks to this active formula, your hair willlook and feel its best!


🟢 Main Ingredients : 

** Powerful 3-Blend Vitality-Complex 

• Botanical Sea Buckthorn Oil - A unique property of this component is to penetrate deep inside the hair cuticle and to repair and regenerate the elasticity and shine of the hair.

• Botanical Sea Buckthorn Extract - A special concentrated cocktail of best nutritions and minerals effectively nourishes, tones and stimulates hair growth

• Organic Sea Buckthorn Hydrolate - The most lightweight form of the oblepikha blend which is responsible for balancing and distribution all the components through hair lengths from roots to tips

**Oat Peptides - ensure deep penetration and linkage into the hair fiber, restoring its structural integrity.

🟢 Directions : Apply a small amount to clean, damp hair, leave for 3-4 minutes. Rinse with warm water.


🟢 Overview of Oblepikha O 

** Our Brand – Oblepikha O line is a perfect combination of everyone's favorite Sea buckthorn berry in a form of innovative 3-blend vitality-complex with modern technologies & active ingredients (collagen, keratin, oat peptides, amino plex, salicylic acid). This blend of innovations and professional formulas fills needs for every hair type and texture. Thus, everyone will find the right solution for the hair and can afford all hair care routine in the series due to attractive prices.

** Benefits of advanced hair formula

• fast foaming technology - is a smart combination of natural surfactants.

• fast absorption of nutrients and vitamins into the hair - different oblepikha forms of our vitality complex boosts the bioavailability of nutrients. Sea buckthorn oil like macadamia oil penetrates and works inside the hair.

• fast distribution technology of the product through hair lengths: biolipid complex - sticks to the surface of the hair and skin. It leaves a pleasant soft feeling without sticky and greasy marks.

• fast and effective results - the “building blocks” in the formula fill the hair and give a visible result.

** What is Biolipid complex - Biolipid complex is a special innovative technology that allows essential nutritions together with Oblepikha blend to be delivered directly to the hair. 

** Secret behind Oblepikha - Oblepikha is a super berry full of vitamin C and amino acids. Oblepikha (Sea Buckthorn) is also known as the vitamin tree as it is full of vitamin c and amino acids. This “superfruit” is one of the oldest plants on the earth. The amount of vitamin C in 1 small Sea buckthorn berry is as much as in 5 oranges and 10 times more than in one lemon. Oblepikha (Sea Buckthorn) can survive in extreme cold temperatures as low as -50°c. As a result, the berry concentrates nutrients and possess unique qualities by synthesizing protective active ingredients and powerful antioxidants.OBLEPIKHA (Sea Buckthorn) contains 10 vitamins, 24 trace elements and 18 amino acids including omega 3, 6, 7 and 9 as well as the important vitamins such as A, B, C and E

 ** Sourcing of Plants - In order for plant extracts to bring the greatest benefit, we collect them at the very peak of maturity. So all the useful properties of plants are at their maximum. All plants are collected only from proven organic farms, including our farm, which is located on the island of Saaremaa, Estonia.

** Organic and Safe Formulation - All Oblepikha O products contain natural and certified organic extracts and oils. No parabens, SLS/SLES and mineral oil is contained.

** Sustainability and Ethics : Oblepikha O take care social responsibility with environmentally friendly packaging made from recyclable materials, and we do not conduct animal testing. 


🇪🇪 Made in Estonia, Europe

🌿 Own self organic farm in Europe

🚚 Own self factory for manufacturing in Europe

❗️ Please check the ingredients and instructions on the package before use

