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OB27 天然有機沙棘果髮尾油 (修復受損) 50ml



💠 天然有機沙棘果髮尾油 (修復受損) 50ml 🔸修復開叉🔸保濕防乾🔸柔顺易梳 💠 這款髮沙棘果尾油, 能令開叉髮端修復, 並且保護髮絲, 避免秀髮在熱造型時受到熱傷害, 同時, 沙棘果的天然強效抗炎保濕功能, 能為髮芯提供滋養和修復, 令秀髮變得強韌, 非常適合漂染及脆弱髮質人仕使用 ✴️ 產品全部以沙棘果純露製造. 純露是以蒸餾方式提取沙棘果中濃縮維生素及礦物質, 再轉變成活性成份, 使營養獲取更多和更易被吸收 ✴️ 沙棘果含 Omega 3, 6, 7, 9 , 極具保濕營養成分, 而且有抗炎功效, 濕疹及敏感肌膚客人尤其喜愛 ✴️ 通過Vegan 純素認証, 產品不經動物測試 ✴️ 主要成份: 🔆 有機阿爾泰沙棘果油 - 含豐富維生素A, E, C, B, K和P組, 脂肪酸, 氨基酸和礦物質,濃縮的維生素和微量元素, 滋潤保濕令秀髮柔順易梳, 修復脆弱髮質及防止頭瘡出現 🔆 有機摩洛哥摩洛哥堅果油 – 含脂肪酸, 防缺水, 防乾及防毛燥開叉 🔆 松子油 – 滋潤緊緻, 抗氧舒敏, 抗炎濕疹, 防乾止痕 🔆 小麥芽油 - 保濕, 滋養秀髮, 更有彈性, 更強韌 ✴️ 使用方法 : 在半濕透的秀髮上塗抹髮尾油,然後用風筒吹乾,再補塗適量的髮尾油,用作滋潤頭髮, 同時增加光澤感,之後待其吸收便可 👍🏻 全部授權正品 🇪🇪 生產地 : 歐洲, 愛沙尼亞 🌿 自設歐洲有機認證農場 🚚 自設歐洲生產製造廠房 ❗️ 使用前請参閱包裝上的成分和說明


NS Oblepikha Oil complex for Damaged Hair 50ml   


💠 Based on organic oblepikha hydrolate, this oil complex nourishes and repairs weak or previously dyed hair. It seals split ends, thickens, nourishes hair and protects it against heat damage during hot styling.

✴️ Filled with  organic Altai oblepikha,  organic Moroccan argan,  pine nut  and wheat sprout oils 

✴️ Altai oblepikha oil is entirely rich in vitamins A,E,C, group B, K and P, fatty acids, amino acids and minerals

✴️ This product is Vegan certified. It means that the products do not contain animal products or animal by products and that they have not been tested on animals.

✴️ Direction : Apply hair oil on semi-damp hair, then dry it with a hair dryer. After drying, reapply an appropriate amount of hair oil to moisturize the hair and increase luster. After that, do not wash it with water.


👍🏻 All products are authorized goods 

🇪🇪 Made in Estonia, Europe 

🌿 Own self organic farm in Europe 

🚚 Own self factory for manufacturing in Europe 

❗️ Please check the ingredients and instructions on the package before use 




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