OB26 天然有機沙棘果純露淋浴乳(保濕活力) 550ml

HKD 138.00



OB26 💠 天然有機沙棘果純露淋浴乳(保濕活力) 550ml 🔸舒緩壓力🔸抗炎保濕🔸清新緊緻 💠 這款淋浴乳特別呵護肌膚,有助舒緩壓力,使肌膚清新緊緻, 讓您在柔軟細膩的泡沫中感受天然成分的無比力量與活力 💠 沙棘果的天然抗炎保濕功效, 能為肌膚提供持久的滋潤, 減少皮脂過度分泌, 進而因氧化而產生的身體異味. ✴️ 產品全部以沙棘果純露製造. 純露是以蒸餾方式提取沙棘果中濃縮維生素及礦物質,再轉變成活性成份,使營養更多和更易被吸收 ✴️沙棘果含Omega3,6,7,9 , 極具保濕營養成分, 而且有抗炎功效,深受濕疹肌膚客人喜愛 ✴️ 通過Vegan純素認証,產品不經動物測試 ✴️ 主要成份: 🔆 有機阿爾泰沙棘果油 - 產品含豐富維生素A,E,C,B,K和P組,脂肪酸,氨基酸和礦物質,濃縮的維生素和微量元素,滋潤保濕. 🔆 北極蔓越莓 - 強效抗氧化, 減少炎症, 抗菌 🔆 西伯利亞松油 - 抗氧, 改善乾燥, 抗菌, 除臭味 🔆 有機薄荷 - 清爽涼快感覺, 薄荷具有抗菌和消炎的作用,有助於解決乾燥,痕癢問題 👍🏻 全部授權正品 🇪🇪 生產地 : 歐洲, 愛沙尼亞 🌿 自設歐洲有機認證農場 🚚 自設歐洲生產製造廠房 ❗️ 使用前請参閱包裝上的成分和說明




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💠 OB26

NS Oblepikha bath foam (Active Revival) 550ml 



💠 Based on organic oblepikha hydrolate, this bath foam take special care of skin, helping to relieve stress and leave skin fresh and firm. Lets feel the power and vitality of natural ingredients in velvet clouds of bath foam

✴️ Enriched organic oblepikha oil, Arctic cranberry, Siberian pine oil and organic mint 

✴️ Altai oblepikha oil is entirely rich in vitamins A,E,C, group B, K and P, fatty acids, amino acids and minerals

✴️ This product is Vegan certified. It means that the products do not contain animal products or animal byproducts and that they have not been tested on animals.


👍🏻 All products are authorized goods 

🇪🇪 Made in Estonia, Europe 

🌿 Own self organic farm in Europe 

🚚 Own self factory for manufacturing in Europe 

❗️ Please check the ingredients and instructions on the package before use 


