CAVIAR-02S 皇室黑魚子+胜肽緊緻煥活面霜50ml



CAVIAR-02S ⚜️皇室黑魚子+胜肽緊緻煥活面霜50ml 🔹提升輪廓🔹膠原增生🔹撫紋緊緻 ⚜️ 這款升級版黑魚子+胜肽面霜, 可恢復肌膚活力和彈性, 有助提升面部肌膚輪廓, 同時滋養肌膚, 撫平細紋和皺紋, 減緩衰老現象過早出現 ⚫ Royal Caviar 皇室黑魚子系列是歐洲愛沙尼亞逆齡研發團隊的抗衰老護膚產品中的傑作。團隊採用含有高端科技製造和獲得多項專利的獨有逆齡配方, 融合了可促進細胞修復和膠原蛋白增生的黑魚子提取物和被認定為新一代強效抗皺皇牌的肽複合物, 配合具有獨特恢復能力和再生特性的有機和野生極地植物提取物, 以及強效保濕的活性成分等所產生的協同作用, 為您提供尖端的逆齡抗皺解決方案. ⚫ 皇室黑魚子+胜肽緊緻煥活面霜成份 : 🟣 Beluga尊貴鱘魚子 (黑魚子) 萃取物 - 具有獨特的逆齡生長特性. 富含豐富蛋白質和氨基酸, 可增加膠原蛋白密度, 有效撫平皺紋, 並且強化膚質, 讓肌膚回復彈性和飽滿 🟣 胜肽 - 刺激皮膚細胞膠原蛋白合成, 平滑肌膚並擊退皺紋 🟣 有機紅景天萃取物 –含天然抗氧化能力, 舒緩不穩定肌膚, 促進血液循環, 具有抗衰老的作用 🟣 鎖水磁石 - 長效深鎖水72小時, 深層滋潤肌膚, 有效減少亁燥 🟣 D泛醇 (D-panthenol ) –即維生命原B5, 高效收集水分, 可使角質層柔軟, 令毛孔緊緻 🇪🇪 生產地 : 歐洲, 愛沙尼亞 👍🏻 全部授權正品 🌿 自設歐洲有機認證農場 🚚 自設歐洲生產製造廠房 ❗️ 使用前請参閱包裝上的成分和說明




⚜️Royal Caviar Extra-Lifting Peptide face cream 50ml


⚜️ This cream is enriched with beluga caviar extract, peptide SYN® -COLL, organic rhodiola rosea extract, PENTAVITIN® and D-panthenol. It restores skin vitality and elasticity, helps to visibly lift it, slowing down the ageing process, nourishing the skin and smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles.

⚫ The luxurious Natura Siberica Royal Caviar collection is a real masterpiece among the anti-age skincare products. It blends the unique properties of exquisite beluga caviar with high-end innovative peptide complex and powerful organic Siberian plants extracts to offer you a cutting-edge anti-wrinkle solution.

⚫ Exclusive ingredients :

🟣 Beluga Caviar extract – have unique rejuvenating properties. Loaded with proteins and amino acids, Caviar extract effectively smooths out wrinkles and reduces skin sagging by increasing collagen density

🟣 Collagen Booster Peptide - stimulates natural collagen synthesis in skin cells, while smooths the skin and fights expression lines.

🟣 Organic Rhodiola Rosea extract - Contains natural antioxidant power, soothes unstable skin, promotes blood circulation, and has an anti-aging effect

🟣 72H Aqua-Bond Complex - It can stay in the water for 72 hours and deeply moisturize the skin 

🟣 D-Panthenol- Namely Vitamin B5, effectively collects moisture, softens the stratum corneum and tightens pores


👍🏻 All products are authorized goods 

🇪🇪 Made in Estonia, Europe 

🌿 Own self organic farm in Europe 

🚚 Own self factory for manufacturing in Europe 

❗️ Please check the ingredients and instructions on the package before use 
