OB19 天然有機沙棘果頭皮磨沙200ml



OB19 💠 天然有機沙棘果頭皮磨沙200ml 🔸潔淨頭皮🔸抗炎保濕🔸去臭止痕 💠 深層潔淨頭皮, 去除平日單靠洗頭沒辦法徹底清潔的積聚油垢和老化角質。植物活性保濕成分, 可平衡皮脂分泌, 給予健康、清爽頭皮。提供鬆弛鎮靜,促進毛囊血液遁環以刺激頭髮生長。 💠 沙棘果的天然抗炎保濕功效, 能為頭皮提供非常持久的滋潤, 減少細菌滋生, 從而有助預防頭皮炎、頭臭、頭瘡等問題的出現。 ✴️ 產品全部以沙棘果純露製造. 純露是以蒸餾方式提取沙棘果中濃縮維生素及礦物質, 再轉變成活性成份, 使營養獲取更多和更易被吸收 ✴️ 沙棘果含 Omega 3, 6, 7, 9 , 極具保濕營養成分, 而且有抗炎功效, 濕疹及敏感肌膚客人尤其喜愛 ✴️ 通過Vegan 純素認証, 產品不經動物測試 ✴️ 主要成份: 🔆 有機阿爾泰沙棘果油 - 含豐富維生素A, E, C, B, K和P組, 脂肪酸, 氨基酸和礦物質,濃縮的維生素和微量元素, 滋潤保濕令秀髮柔順易梳, 修復脆弱髮質及防止頭瘡出現 🔆 摩洛哥堅果油 - 改善頭皮屑問題或油脂分泌過剩問題, 修護毛鱗片撫平毛躁改善乾旱髮絲回復光澤 🔆 有機薄荷提取物 - 平衡油脂, 抑製過多頭油, 去屑止癢, 清涼舒適感, 刺激液血液遁環助生髮 🔆 維生素和氨基酸 - 修護受损髮質, 保濕, 强壯髮根, 減脫髮 ✴️ 使用方法:建議每週使用一次頭皮磨砂膏, 用前先以清水沖洗頭髮及頭皮,將少量磨砂膏輕輕按摩於頭皮上,再以清水徹底沖洗乾淨,然後繼續日常的洗頭步驟 👍🏻 全部授權正品 🇪🇪 生產地 : 歐洲, 愛沙尼亞 🌿 自設歐洲有機認證農場 🚚 自設歐洲生產製造廠房 ❗️ 使用前請参閱包裝上的成分和說明


💠 OB19

Oblepikha Scalp Scrub 200ml               



💠 Based on organic oblepikha hydrolate, this intensive triple-action Scalp Scrub gives a unique treatment that deeply purifies scalp, balances sebum production and helps stimulate hair growth by increasing blood flow to hair follicles

✴️ Enriched with organic oils of Altai oblepikha and Morrocan argan, organic mint extract, vitamins and amino acids

✴️ Altai oblepikha oil is entirely rich in vitamins A,E,C, group B, K and P, fatty acids, amino acids and minerals

✴️ This product is Vegan certified. It means that the products do not contain animal products or animal byproducts and that they have not been tested on animals.

✴️ Direction : It is recommended to use a scalp scrub once a week, rinse your hair and scalp with water before use, gently massage a small amount of scrub into your scalp, rinse thoroughly with water, and then continue your daily shampooing routine


👍🏻 All products are authorized goods 

🇪🇪 Made in Estonia, Europe 

🌿 Own self organic farm in Europe 

🚚 Own self factory for manufacturing in Europe 

❗️ Please check the ingredients and instructions on the package before use 

