OB04 沙棘果保濕修復護髮素 (適合受損髮質) 400ml

HKD 138.00



OB 04 💠沙棘果保濕修復護髮素 (適合受損髮質) 400ml 🔸深層修護🔸抗炎保濕🔸強韌順直 💠 這款沙棘果護髮素, 深層修護受損秀髮, 為秀髮提供充分滋養, 減少秀髮分岔斷裂, 令秀髮回復光滑、柔順、強韌順直, 易於造型和梳理. 沙棘果的天然抗炎保濕功效, 能為頭皮提供額外保護, 令頭皮保持滋潤, 減少細菌滋生, 從而有助預防頭皮炎、頭臭、頭瘡等問題的出現 ✴️ 產品全部以沙棘果純露製造. 純露是以蒸餾方式提取沙棘果中濃縮維生素及礦物質, 再轉變成活性成份, 使營養獲取更多和更易被吸收 ✴️ 沙棘果含 Omega 3, 6, 7, 9 , 極具保濕營養成分, 而且有抗炎功效, 濕疹及敏感肌膚客人尤其喜愛 ✴️ 通過Vegan 純素認証, 產品不經動物測試 ✴️ 產品不含矽靈、柔順劑、ETDA、石化原料活性介面劑及其他複雜的化學成份, 用後無負擔感 ✴️ 主要成份: 🔆 有機阿爾泰沙棘果油 - 含豐富維生素A, E, C, B, K和P組, 脂肪酸, 氨基酸和礦物質,濃縮的維生素和微量元素, 滋潤保濕令秀髮柔順易梳, 修復脆弱髮質及防止頭瘡出現 🔆 摩洛哥堅果油, 維生素和氨基酸 - 修護毛鱗片, 撫平毛躁, 改善乾旱髮絲回復光澤, 注入營養幫助修復 🔆 有機紅景天 - 抗頭皮敏感, 修復頭皮髮絲 🔆 雪石蕊提取物 - 含有機成份與維生素A、B群加上高濃度的松蘿酸Usnic,能深層滋潤, 防止乾燥, 延緩頭皮老化 👍🏻 全部授權正品 🇪🇪 生產地 : 歐洲, 愛沙尼亞 🌿 自設歐洲有機認證農場 🚚 自設歐洲生產製造廠房 ❗️ 使用前請参閱包裝上的成分和說明

Maklumat produk

💠 OB 04

NS Oblepikha Conditioner for Damaged Hair 400ml 


💠 With organic oblepikha hydrolate, this conditioner nourishes and intensively repair damaged hair, to leave it sleek and smooth, brushing will be easier.

✴️ Enriches with organic Altai oblepikha and Moroccan argan oils, vitamins and amino acids, organic rhodiola rosea and snow cladonia extracts.

✴️ This product contain natural and certified organ extracts and oils, no Parabens , SLS/ SLES and Mineral oils is involved. 

✴️ This product is Vegan certified. It means that the products do not contain animal products or animal by products and that they have not been tested on animals.


👍🏻 All products are authorized goods 

🇪🇪 Made in Estonia, Europe 

🌿 Own self organic farm in Europe 

🚚 Own self factory for manufacturing in Europe 

❗️ Please check the ingredients and instructions on the package before use 

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