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OB-C09 有機沙棘果純露保濕提亮去角質145ml



OB-C09 ❇️ 有機沙棘果純露保濕提亮去角質145ml 🔸️均勻膚色🔸️抗氧嫩白🔸️光澤嫩滑 ❇️ 這款沙棘果去角質面膜, 帶有淡淡果香味, 溫和去除面部老化角質, 潔淨同時保濕, 用後不會崩緊, 令膚色均勻, 肌膚柔嫩潤澤 ✴️ 產品全部以沙棘果純露製造. 純露是以蒸餾方式提取沙棘果中濃縮維生素及礦物質,再轉變成活性成份,使營養獲取更多和更易被吸收 ✴️ 沙棘果含 Omega 3, 6, 7, 9 , 極具保濕營養成分, 而且有抗炎功效, 濕疹及敏感肌膚客人尤其喜愛 ✴️ 通過 Vegan 純素認証, 產品不經動物測試 ✴️ 產品成份 : 🔆 有機阿爾泰沙棘果油 - 含豐富維生素A, E, C, B, K和P組、脂肪酸、氨基酸、礦物質、濃縮的維生素和微量元素,可增加皮膚彈性和水分, 促進皮膚整體狀況的改善 🔆 維生素C - 提升亮白度, 改善暗啞肌, 有助於增強皮膚的天然防禦系統, 加快修復過程 🔆乙醇酸 - 令皮膚感覺更光滑, 看起來更容光煥發, 膚色均勻 🔆乳酸 - 有助於保持皮膚滋潤, 減少乾燥感, 消除過早衰老的跡象 🇪🇪 生產地 : 歐洲, 愛沙尼亞 👍🏻 全部授權正品 🌿 自設歐洲有機認證農場 🚚 自設歐洲生產製造廠房 ❗️ 使用前請参閱包裝上的成分和說明

Maklumat produk


❇️ OB-C09  

OB C-BERRICA Revitalizing Face Peeling145ml

❇️ This mask will soon be your best skin friend. It cleanses and evens skin tone, leaving it incredibly soft and radiant.

✴️ Organic oblepikha hydrolate promotes the improvement of skin’s overall condition by boosting elasticity and hydration. Vitamin C helps to enhance your skin's natural defense system, speeding up the repair process. Glycolic Acid helps your skin feel smoother and look more radiant and even-toned. Lactic Acid helps to keep the skin moisturized and feeling less dry, removing signs of premature ageing.

✴️ This product is Vegan certified. It means that the products do not contain animal products or animal by products and that they have not been tested on animals.

👍🏻 All products are authorized goods 

🇪🇪 Made in Estonia, Europe 

🌿 Own self organic farm in Europe 

🚚 Own self factory for manufacturing in Europe 

❗️ Please check the ingredients and instructions on the package before use 

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