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CaviarP04 鉑金黑魚子膠緊緻滋潤晚霜50ml



CaviarP04 鉑金黑魚子膠原緊緻滋潤晚霜50ml Caviar Platinum Intensive Rejuvenating Night Face Cream 50ml #高效逆齡肌膚而 - 專為對抗年齡相關議題而設計, 用上頂級奢華黑魚子,豐富膠原氨基酸,容易被人體吸收,為您的肌膚帶來真正天然美,秘方活性草本成, 天然維生素C及E營養,高抗氧化效果瞬間滋養肌膚,幫助肌膚恢復活力緊緻,輔酶Q10撫平皺紋, 質地保濕滋潤皮膚由內而外補充膠原蛋白, 活躍細胞,瞬間撫平皺紋令肌膚飽滿脹卜卜,提升面部輪廓, 擊退黑色素淡斑. 主要成份: 🔸黑魚子萃取物 🔸鉑 🔸多勝肽SYN®-COLL 🔸活躍的北方提升綜合體 🔸維生素C和E 🔸輔酶Q 10 🔸泛醇 🔸VITAGENYLⓇ® 🔸天然五維素 Ⓡ 主要成份: 黑魚子、鉑金、多肽、SYN-COLL 草本膠原 功效: 深層蛋白膠原保濕、修復淡紋、 活躍膠原細胞、 去皺防皺、 滋潤細胞、 令肌膚飽滿有光澤、 激退黑色素、面頸輪廓再現、提升輪廓 Intensive RejuvenatingNight Face Cream This cream has been created to fight age-related changes for a genuine perfection of your skin. Instantly nourishing the skin it helps restore its firmness, smoothing out wrinkles. Its rich texture is perfect for normal and dry skin. ACTIVE COMPONENTS: Black caviar extract Platinum Polypeptide SYN® - COLL Active Northern Lifting Complex Vitamins C and E Co-enzyme Q 10 Panthenol VITAGENYLⓇ® Natural Pentavitin Ⓡ

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